Business Services is responsible for a wide variety of tasks such as budgets and financial statements, investments, capital bonds and levies, facility rentals, insurance, utility conservation, employee benefits, workers’ compensation, video conferencing services, warehouse services and shipping and receiving.

Accounting (360-676-6428)

The Accounting Department performs the following functions in support of district operations including recording district financial transactions, oversight of receipt and deposit of cash throughout the district, fiscal reporting and much more.

Purchasing (360-676-6543)

Purchasing provides the necessary materials, supplies, and equipment to perform the district responsibility, education of our students. With the exception of books, the manner in which we procure furniture, supplies, equipment, building improvements or repairs, or other work or purchases for the district must be in compliance with RCW 28A.335.190. You can review our terms and conditions for billing and shipping.

Payroll (360-676-5009)

Payroll is dedicated to providing accurate and timely paychecks and other comprehensive payroll-related services to all employees of Bellingham Public Schools. Payroll is a service-oriented office whose goal is to assist employees with payroll/benefits questions and resolve problems.

Employees and prospective employees may access payroll and benefit information via the Employee Benefits webpage.

Navie La Tray

Accounting Manager
