A Message from the Department of Teaching and Learning
Thisspring,studentsin grades3through8and high schoolwilltakestateassessmentsin math, English language arts and science.
- Grades 3-8and 10will takethe Smarter BalancedEnglish language arts(ELA)and math assessments.
- Grades5,8and 11will taketheWashington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS)
These assessments give students, families and schools valuable data that helps us understand student and school strengths and challenges compared to peers in the district and across Washington state.
TheseELA, math and science assessments are all designed to be completed in a single online session, though students can take the time they need.
Your school will be sending follow-up information with specific testing dates and times.For more information about what these tests measureandwhy we give them, please seeour websiteor the state’s website at
The һapp,thedistrict’s strategic plan,guides everything we do forourstudents, families,communityand staff. One of BPS’ core beliefs is to focus on thewholechild. Statetestsare only onebenchmark; other measures and evidence are just as important in assessingthe development of our kids. Weencourage you to keepthese testsin perspective of our overall goals.
Results from these tests will be availableafter testing. We will notifyfamilieswhenscore reportsare available in yourchild(ren)’sPortfolio on Skyward Family Access. You may also request a paper copy oftestresults by calling your school.
Don’tforget a good night’s sleep and healthy breakfast are an essentialpart of every school day.Foradditionalinformation about state testingand our state learning standards, please visit the state’s website at.
If you have questions about stateassessmentsplease contact your school orBrian.Rick@bellinghamschools.org