A Message from the Department of Teaching and Learning
Dear families and community members,
Bellingham Public Schools is hosting an open house for families and community members as we prepare lessons and materials for Black History Month.
All are welcome to Centering Black Excellence 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14 in the upper level of the District Office at 1985 Barkley Boulevard.
Members of the public can explore resources, talk with staff and participate in interactive art and a celebration of Frederick Douglass. Light refreshments will be served.
Bellingham Public Library and Village Books will be onsite with materials available for check out or purchase. Thank you to Western Washington University for their help and support with this event.
The open house follows optional staff professional development regarding lessons on empathy related to Black History Month and Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action.
We hope you can make it!
Save the date! Feb. 5-6, renowned author Dr. Sonja Cherry Paul will be in Bellingham to share her wealth of knowledge on antiracist practices and teaching Black History. Please look for more information about upcoming events open to staff and the public.