Bellingham Public Schools believes that a variety of learning options, including online courses and programs, are critical for 21st Century learners. The district recognizes that the online learning environment provides students with unique opportunities to become self-disciplined learners with life-long learning skills. Further, the district believes that online learning provides tremendous opportunities for students to access curriculum and specialized courses in a flexible learning environment that might not otherwise be available.
Therefore, the district supports a range of online learning opportunities that are equally accessible to all students. The district shall provide information to parents, students and staff regarding online learning options and the guidelines for participation.
The superintendent or designee will develop procedures to implement this policy. The procedures will include, but not be limited to, a description of student access to online learning courses/grade level coursework, student eligibility criteria, the types of online courses available to students, methods the district will use to support student success, payment of course fees and other costs, granting of course credit and conditions under which no credit will be awarded.
Cross References: | Content |
聽Policy 2022聽聽Electronic Resources |
Legal References: | Content |
RCW 28A.150.220 Basic Education 鈥 Minimum instructional requirements 鈥 Program accessibility – Rules |
Management Resources: | Content |
Policy News, April 2017 Issue |