3124 Policy – Removal-Release of Student During School Hours

Bellingham Public Schools recognizes its responsibility for the proper care of students during school hours. Students K-8 will not be removed from school grounds, any school building or school function during school hours except by a person authorized according to district procedures. Before a student is removed or excused, the person seeking to remove the student must present to the satisfaction of the superintendent or principal evidence of their proper authority to remove the student. A teacher should not excuse a student from class to confer with anyone unless the request is approved by the principal.

Prior to sending a student to their home for illness, discipline or a corrective action, the principal will attempt to reach the student’s parent or guardian to inform them of the school’s action and to request that they come to the school for the child. If a staff member cannot reach the parent or guardian, the student will remain at school until the close of the school day, unless the student is a high school student who lives within walking distance or has their own transportation and, only in the judgment of the principal/designee, the student is well enough to get safely home. A student may be released to a law enforcement officer in accordance with the district policy.

Updated: 10/19/2017
Superintendent or Board Approved: Superintendent Approved
Cross References: Content

Policy 4310 – District Relationships with Law Enforcement and other Government Agencies
Policy 4200 – Safe and Orderly Learning Environment
Policy 3418 – Emergency Treatment
Policy 3126 – Child Custody

Legal References: Content

RCW 28A.605.010 Removing child from school grounds during school hours

Management Resources: Content