2160 Procedure – Grant Application

Those wishing to submit a funding proposal for a specific project or program need to use the following procedures.  Central Services support may be available for assistance in this process.

  1. All grant initiators* must complete the Bellingham Public Schools “Grant Application Form” (2160F-1) prior to submitting a grant on behalf of the district, school, classroom, staff or program. The application must be discussed with the principal or district supervisor for approval prior to submission.
  2. Grant applications for districtwide programs must be discussed in concept with the superintendent or designee prior to submission.
  3. When notification of a grant award is received by the superintendent’s office, the notice will be forwarded to the appropriate school or department.
  4. All grant awards received by an individual, school or department must be submitted to finance and operations, principal and/or district supervisor and district grant writer for tracking purposes.

*Grant initiators can be a teacher, administrator or other school staff, Bellingham Public Schools Foundation, district grant writer, PTA or outside nonprofit partner.

Please note:  Spending is not authorized until an award letter and approved budget has been submitted to finance and operations by the principal/building or program supervisor.  Charging expenses to unauthorized funds may result in charges against the school or department’s operating budget.

Grant Application Form (pdf)


Adopted/Previous Revisions: 03/31/14; 04/25/17
Updated: 12/19/19