For the purposes of this policy and procedure 6925, A/E services shall have the same meaning as defined in RCW 39.80.020 and shall include services or activities within the scope of professional practice for architects, engineers, land surveyors and landscape architects.
In all circumstances where A/E services are required by the district, the following procedures will be in effect:
A. The selection of A/E services shall be in accordance with Chapter 39.80 RCW.
B. Announcement for A/E services will be sent to publications of general circulation on each occasion when A/E services are required or by annually announcing generally its projected requirements for professional services.聽 Minority, woman, and veteran owned firms shall be afforded maximum practicable opportunities to compete for and obtain contracts for A/E services.
The announcement will specify:
- The general nature and scope of the project(s); and
- The district representative to contact for further details.
C. Each interested A/E firm will be advised to submit a statement of qualifications which includes as a minimum:
- Description of professional staff and respective roles for each; list of similar projects completed during a specified period and owner contact information.
- Office location.
- Firm history and related information.
- Proposed consultant information.
- Other information and performance data the district deems appropriate that will be helpful in identifying the firm deemed most highly qualified for the project.
D. Applicants will be screened by the superintendent or designee to identify firms to be interviewed.
E. One or more applicants will be interviewed by the superintendent or designee.
F. Superintendent or designee shall negotiate a contract with the A/E firm selected as the most qualified at a price which the agency determines is fair and reasonable to the agency. In making its determination, the superintendent or designee shall take into account the estimated value of the services to be rendered as well as the scope, complexity, and professional nature thereof.
G. If the superintendent or designee is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the firm selected at a price the agency determines to be fair and reasonable, negotiations with that firm shall be formally terminated and the selected staff shall select another firm in accordance with RCW 39.80.040 and continue in accordance with this section until an agreement is reached or the process is terminated.
A. In addition to Part I requirements, for projects where the A/E services are expected to cost more than $2 million:
- The announcement for the project鈥檚 A/E services will include deadline for submission of a letter of interest.
- Applicants will be screened by selected staff to identify firms to be interviewed.
- One or more applicants will be interviewed by a selection committee approved by the superintendent.
- The superintendent will recommend the firm deemed most highly qualified to the board for authorization to commence negotiations. If the superintendent is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract, the next highest ranked firm will be contacted.
- In appropriate circumstances the superintendent, in the superintendent鈥檚 sole discretion, may waive these Part II requirements.