- Provide input and process for design elements, spatial adjacencies, and numeric programming associated with the new District Office.
- Review and provide feedback on schematic and design development drawings for the new District Office project.
Basis for Establishment:聽
- Prior to designing the administrative offices, a complete and accurate description of the desired program, work activities, as well as the functional, spatial and environmental needs must be established. This detailed description is referred to as design brief, also known as the design specifications. The design brief will help clarify and direct the scope of work and design requirements for the architects, engineers, and other professionals working on the building design and site plan.
Decision-making Process:聽
- The committee is the recommending body to the superintendent.
Plan of Work and Timeline:
- The committee will work with the architects on the design specifications and design elements related to the new office building.
- Work on the design specifications will begin in March 2020 and continue through the spring 2020. Schematic design for the new building will be completed by fall 2020.
- The District Office Design Advisory Committee meetings will focus on site/building specific unique items associated with the new District Office.
- Six meetings and two tour dates are anticipated.
- Meetings are June 25, July 28, Aug. 11, Aug. 25 and Sept. 22
- Tours of similar facilities TBD
- Evening community meetings; dates and times TBD
- Additional meetings as necessary; dates and times TBD
- June 25, 2020: Agenda, Presentation, Minutes
- July 28, 2020: Agenda, Presentation, Minutes
- Aug. 11, 2020: Agenda, Presentation Part 1, Presentation Part 2, Minutes
- Aug. 25, 2020: Agenda, Presentation, Minutes
- Sept. 22, 2020: Minutes, Presentation (includes Agenda), Breakout Session
- Jan. 12, 2021: Presentation (includes Agenda)
- Feb. 18, 2021: Presentation Part 1, Part 2
- Greg Baker, Superintendent, Co-Chair
- Curtis Lawyer, Director of Capital 一本道apps, Co-Chair
- Jeff McClure, RMC Architects
- Lori Walker, RMC Architects/The Walker Group NW
- Bob Kuehl, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
- Isabel Meaker, Executive Director Family Engagement
- Jackie Brawley, Executive Director Communications and Community Relations
- Jay Jordan, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
- Trina Hall, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning
- Jessica Sankey, Executive Director of Operations
- Kristi Dominguez, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
- Kurt Gazow, Executive Director Educational Technology
- Mike Copland, Deputy Superintendent Teaching and Learning
- Simone Sangster, Assistant Superintendent Finance
- Kim Lund, Executive Director of the Bellingham Public Schools Foundation
- Ryan Pflueger, Construction and Facilities Manager for the Barkley Company
- David Webster, Early Learning and Family Services Director at Opportunity Council
- Deanna Bannerman, Administrative Assistant for Special Education
- Charisse Berner, Director of Teaching and Learning
- Amanda Ingram, Human Resources Specialist
- Lisa Gilchrist, Communications Technician
- Lauri McBeath-Davies, Systems Analyst
- Cindy Pearson, Physical Therapist
- Jeff Tetrick, Director of Career and Technical Education
- Kathryn Weilage, Data Systems 一本道app Manager
- Regular meeting attendance.
- Respectful and collaborative interactions with committee members.
Budget Implications:
- Provide substitutes for staff as applicable.