
The Title VI Native American Family Committee (NAFC) supports the educational needs of Native American students. The NAFC is made up of parents and family members of Native American children who attend Bellingham Public Schools (BPS).

The NAFC in Bellingham Public Schools will advise and guide the design and implementation of the Native American Student Program (NASP). Following implementation, the NAFC will review data, participate in programming, and support relationship building between the district and local tribes, all in support of Native American student success.

NASP will provide educational and social emotional opportunities that address the specific needs of Native American students.

Basis for Establishment:

EL-10 states: The superintendent shall not fail to interrupt factors that perpetuate systemic inequities and/or practices that contribute to over and under representation of any student group compared to peers. The superintendent shall confront the institutional bias that results in predictability of student success or lack thereof, including but not limited to race and ethnicity, gender identity and sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, ability, language, and culture.

Establishing a NAFC contributes to EL-10 outcomes and is required to apply for and receive Title VI funds.

The majority of the NAFC members must be parents and family members of Native American students in BPS. NAFC responsibilities are:

  • To provide guidance as the application for Title VI funds is drafted and submitted. Once submitted, the plan of work will be further developed.
  • To assure a clear process and procedure for programing of Title VI funds (Indian Education Formula Grant program, authorized in Part A, Subpart 1, of Title VI of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended ESEA).
  • To ensure services meet the unique cultural, language and educational needs of Native American students and support these students in meeting challenging state academic standards.

Decision-Making Process:

Agendas will be designed with the following framework: inform, consult, recommend. 鈥淩ecommend鈥 items will follow a consensus model with formal recommendations provided to the superintendent in writing for approval.

Plan of Work:

The NAFC will meet a minimum of three times per year to comply with federal requirements. The three scheduled meetings for the 2024-25 school year are:

  • 6-7 p.m., Tuesday, November 12, 2024听 AgendaMinutes
  • 6-7 p.m., Tuesday, February 11, 2025
  • 6-7 p.m., Tuesday, March 18, 2025
  • 6-7 p.m., Tuesday, April 22, 2025
  • 6-7 p.m., Tuesday, May 13, 2025

The agenda of the first meeting will include:

  • Introductions
  • Establish additional meeting needs for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Review grant application
  • Review program components


  • Isabel Meaker, Executive Director of Family Engagement (co-chair)
  • Janis Velasquez Farmer, Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (co-chair)
  • Kristen French, Native American Education Specialist (co-chair)
  • Yana Mansfield, Certificated Staff听
  • CC Compton, Student
  • Michelle DeAsis, Parent
  • Jana Finkbonner, Parent
  • Lyvalene Gellys, Parent
  • Jamie Hensley, Parent
  • Bernard Holden, Student
  • Amanda Iverson, Parent
  • Sharon McGuire, Parent
  • Sybil McLean, Parent
  • Doralee Sanchez, Parent
  • Monique Stacy, Parent
  • Sharece Steinkamp, Parent
  • Michaela Vendiola, Parent
  • Angela Wabaunsee, Parent
  • Emunee Wabaunsee, Student
  • Candice Woodfork, Parent


Upon adoption of this charter, the NAFC will be initially responsible for

  • Supporting and advising BPS staff efforts to collect 506 forms.
  • Reviewing and offering guidance for the Title VI Indian Education Formula grant application and amendments
  • Establishing agreements for group conduct
  • Determining the frequency of NAFC meetings

Once established and Title VI funds received, the NAFC will be responsible for

  • Reviewing the use of Title VI funds in programs
  • Reviewing Native American Student Program opportunities

Participating and volunteering for cultural programs in support of Native American students.

Budget Implications:

This committee will require administrative support of approximately 5 hours per week.

Responsibilities will include:

  • Update committee webpage
  • Develop and maintain up-to-date Native American Student Program webpage
  • Communicate with committee members
  • Take minutes and publish
  • Collect and track 506 forms

Title VI program funding is dependent on this committee and the collection of 506 forms required in the grant application.

Isabel Meaker
Executive Director of Family Engagement (co-chair)

Janis Velasquez Farmer
Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (co-chair)

Kristen French
Native American education specialist (co-chair)

Yana Mansfield
Instructional Coach
Teacher on Special Assignment

Lorrie Melton
Executive Administrative Assistant