Public Comment
The board president conducts the meeting and may change the order of the agenda if needed. The president may call upon the superintendent or other staff members for reports and information.
Those wishing to address the board must sign up on the sheet provided at the beginning of the meeting. Speakers will be recognized by the board president at the time they are to speak. When called forward, individuals will identify themselves, and each speaker will be allotted a maximum of three minutes and may not transfer that time to another speaker. No more than 30 minutes is allowed for a single subject except with the consent of the board. The board is not obligated to respond to questions or challenges made during the public comment period, and the board鈥檚 silence will not signal agreement or endorsement of the speaker鈥檚 remarks.
The board president may interrupt or terminate an individual鈥檚 statement when it is too lengthy or uncivil. Examples of uncivil comments include comments that are libelous, slanderous, obscene or violate school district policy or procedure related to harassment, intimidation, bullying or discrimination. The board as a whole has the final decision on such matters.
In addition to the public comment period at the beginning of the meeting, the board may identify the agenda items that require or would benefit from opportunity for public comment and provide those opportunities as part of the meeting agenda before taking final action. See policy 1400.
For more information, contact Sheri O’Day at 360-676-6501.